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#38 Optimizing Your App Store Page

Today’s guest saw a need in the mobile app marketing industry and launched a startup to bring the world the first automated ASO platform. Find out how you could be getting more users and revenue from optimizing your app store page.

Warren Woodward is the co-founder and chief growth officer at Upptic, a platform for automated app store optimization. Upptic also provides full-stack growth services. Warren is a musician, an indie filmmaker, a self-taught mobile marketer, and an ASO expert.

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Questions Warren Answered in this Episode

  • What makes an app a good one for you to partner with?
  • What made you want to build an automated ASO platform as one of your core pieces of technology?
  • How do you measure your results?
  • If you could automate something tomorrow, what would it be?
  • Why did you decide to make the leap of starting your own company rather than moving up in the corporate world?


  • 8:30 What Upptic does
  • 13:04 Selecting app partners that have growth potential
  • 16:08 Evolution of the industry’s first automated ASO platform
  • 19:41 The value to be gained from optimizing your store page
  • 20:50 Measuring conversions from ASO
  • 23:23 Upptic’s philosophy that informs what to build next
  • 25:54 Facing the fear of starting a startup


(6:27-6:49) “A lot of what I’ve learned about building teams and matching personalities and getting the right group in a complement of different people with skill sets together, a lot of that I learned from the world of bands and being stuck together in a van; getting people that have something different to bring to the table that adds up to a sum greater than the parts. It’s weird the lessons you can learn just from grinding it out on the road doing the music thing.”

(19:43-20:11) “If you’re a developer, you know how hard it is to juice an extra 10% of revenue by changing the economy of your app or something. It can be a lot of work, but it’s so much easier to just make an ad that converts 10% easier or makes your store page convert 10% better. That can be done with a few hours of creative development time and minutes of setting up a test. You run that test, you’ve got that win. Congratulations, you’re now getting 10% more users every time someone comes to the page, making 10% more revenue.”