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Retargeting lexicon

We prefer to say things exactly as they are.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Android Advertising identifier (AAID)

The AAID is a unique device identifier that Android generates and assigns to every device. Advertisers can use this to track user’s activities across apps, show them personalized ads and attribute ad interactions.

App Tracking Transparency (ATT)

ATT is a framework from Apple that manages the process of obtaining user consent before accessing their Identifier for Advertiser (IDFA).

Attribution Provider (AP)

A role played by an MMP to credit the in-app activity of users to the correct media sources.

Attribution Window

A specific time frame that is taken into consideration when determining the source of a user’s action.


Causal Impact

Causal Impact Analysis is a framework developed by Google that is routed in econometrics. It scientifically measures incremental uplift across various conversion events, separating organic conversions, as well as uplift from any other marketing initiatives. It is also able to observe the re-engagement impact of your UA campaigns. It does not need user IDs to work.

Similar to how TV ads are being measured, the principle is based on running campaigns on identifiable sub-markets (Treatment), while leaving other sub-markets unexposed (Control). It requires building multiple control groups that are statistically equivalent in time components, and forecasting the baseline values for the time period after the event. The difference between observation and prediction yields the incremental impact.

Contextual targeting

A type of targeting that works with interest and demographic-based, device-level contextual signals, such as location data (country, city, zip code), language setting, mobile operating system, device model, as well as publisher information.


Deterministic Attribution

Refer to: Attribution Methodology


Ghost Bids

An incrementality testing methodology based on Ghost Ads, adapted for retargeting campaigns. The difference is that it removes all devices that are not seen on ad exchanges, or that would not be bid on, from both test and control groups, to reduce noise. A bid is placed as usual for the test group, while the control group is tracked with ‘ghost bids’ (bids that could have been placed, but weren’t in the end).

An incrementality testing methodology based on Ghost Ads, adapted for retargeting campaigns. The difference is that it removes all devices that are not seen on ad exchanges, or that would not be bid on, from both test and control groups, to reduce noise. A bid is placed as usual for the test group, while the control group is tracked with ‘ghost bids’ (bids that could have been placed, but weren’t in the end).


Identifier for advertisers (IDFA)

Short for: Identifier for Advertisers. An IDFA is a unique random device identifier Apple generates and assigns to every device. Advertisers use IDFAs to track users' activities across apps, show them personalized ads and attribute ad interactions.

Intent to Treat



Multi-Touch Attribution

Refer to: Attribution Methodology


Open Exchange

An open exchange is a digital marketplace where ad inventory from multiple publishers are available for advertisers to bid on.

Organic Behavior

A user’s behavior not directly attributable to specific marketing efforts.


Probabilistic Attribution

Refer to: Attribution Methodology

Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising is the automated process of buying and selling digital advertising space using real-time bidding auctions.




Real-Time Bidding (RTB)

The process by which individual ad placements are bought and sold via programmatic auctions that happen instantaneously. With real-time bidding, ad buyers bid on an ad space, which, if the auction is won, instantly displays the buyer's ad. This lets demand-side players such as advertisers or DSPs optimize the purchase of ad placements from multiple sources.

The process by which individual ad placements are bought and sold via programmatic auctions that happen instantaneously. With real-time bidding, ad buyers bid on an ad space, which, if the auction is won, instantly displays the buyer's ad. This lets demand-side players such as advertisers or DSPs optimize the purchase of ad placements from multiple sources.


Reshuffle indicates the randomization and marking of users when they were once part of a test or control group.

In incrementality measurement, reshuffling the group assignment for a specific application fights aggregated bias over time where one group doesn't see any ads while the other group is constantly exposed to them.

Reshuffling is relevant in cases where a test has been running for a long time and/or in campaigns the experience more extensive changes to the campaign setups, segmentation, or creative strategy.


Retargeting is a powerful way for app marketers to reach out to their users when they are on other apps. The aim is to reactivate existing users and engage them at all stages of their mobile app experience. By analyzing an app’s audience behavior, demand-side platforms like Remerge can show individuals personalized ads, which encourage them to reinstall an app, re-engage with it or make a purchase.

Retention Rate

The share of users active in the app within certain time frames after install, reengagement, or other events, both in-app and outside the app.

The share of users active in the app within certain time frames after install, reengagement, or other events, both in-app and outside the app.



SKAdNetwork stands for “Store Kit Ad Network” and is Apple’s measurement framework for tracking mobile attribution on iOS.

Supply-Side Platform (SSP)

A company that works with publishers to sell ad inventory across ad networks.

A company that works with publishers to sell ad inventory across ad networks.


Test Group

In incrementality measurement, the test group is the group of users who has at least one impression of an ad. Their actions will be taken into account to calculate if the ads had any relevance in the total amount of conversions when compared to the conversions of a group (the control group) that was not exposed to the same ads.

See control group.


Uplift Test

A randomized control trial test conducted by Remerge to measure the incremental impact of one or more campaigns.

See also: Randomized Controlled Trial


View-Through Attribution

Refer to: Attribution Methodology