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The Untapped Potential of In-App Messaging for Mobile Marketers

You can use it to drive users to features. You can use it to survey users. It’s fantastic for onboarding. And it can improve subscription upsell. Today’s guest shares real stories about the powerful yet overlooked uses of in-app messaging.

Andy Carvell is the partner and co-founder of Phiture and editor of Mobile Growth Stack, Phiture’s blog. Phiture is a mobile growth consultancy based in Berlin, helping B2C app publishers tackle their key growth challenges. Previous to Phiture, Andy joined Sound Cloud as a mobile marketer, helping the company transition from being a web-first product to a mobile-first product.

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Questions Andy Carvell Answered in this Episode

  • Is there a specific component of mobile app growth that you feel Phiture nails?
  • What are app marketers overlooking the most when it comes to retention and re-engagement?
  • What is a framework for marketers to do in-app messaging better and measure the results?
  • How do you prevent overloading a user with in-app messaging?
  • Do you have baselines for incremental conversation rates?


  • 4:47 Phiture’s specialization
  • 8:07 In-app messaging is overlooked
  • 9:54 Measuring impact of in-app messaging
  • 17:05 Untapped potential of in-app messaging for surveying users
  • 20:58 How not to overdo it with in-app messaging
  • 26:00 “Scale, iterate, or kill”


(12:56-13:14) “I think some product teams are a bit scared of tapping into the potential of in-app messaging because they are so kind of intrusive, basically. You need to deploy them with care and make sure you’re not overusing them because you’re overriding the user’s normal interaction with the app. Now, that can be very powerful as well. You can direct them to features they’ve never seen before.”

(26:01-26:18) “This is the decision which I’ve written about that I call ‘scale, iterate, or kill.’ It’s like this is the one decision in which a growth marketer and a growth marketing team need to make very regularly; and they’ll only get better at it by making that decision many times, sometimes getting it wrong.”