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How dynamic retargeting and incrementality testing helped Checkout 51 reach their WAU goals

Checkout 51 is one of the leading cash back apps in North America with close to 20 million members across Canada and the US. Checkout 51 partners with consumer packaged goods companies to give its members incentives to purchase their products on a weekly basis. With a focus on groceries, Checkout 51 has been able to save its members over $75,000,000.

To increase the LTV of existing users, Remerge ran successful retargeting campaigns by testing out segments and dynamic creatives.

« With incrementality testing, Remerge was able to prove there is incremental engagement among users who receive their campaigns. Remerge is willing to put its neck on the line to ensure an advertising partner’s dollars are spent effectively. »

Alexander Potichnyj, Director of Marketing, Checkout 51

Optimizing all aspects of App Retargeting

Targeted Segment

Checkout 51 relied on Remerge to help maintain and drive more weekly active users (WAUs). By retargeting users who were inactive in a given week (Checkout 51 has new offers on a weekly Thurs-Wed basis), Remerge was able to help Checkout 51 hit some of the WAU goals.

Multiple segments were tested in different variations of last active - X days. The biggest challenge and pain point was not being able to run those segments dynamically. As uploading segments everyday was ineffective, Checkout 51 opened their event stream to Remerge to have real-time dynamic updates.

The best performing segment consisted of users who were active the previous week but not the current week. Remarketing worked well to get them back into the app at an effective pace.

Dynamic Creatives

Dynamic product feed ads performed the best as they are optimized on the fly. Using different products from participating brands, offers were rotating within the ads. These ads used different promotions on a weekly basis and allowed Checkout 51 to continuously target users who have not been active yet and show them a product offer that they might be interested in, and entice them with offers to open the app. Dynamic product feeds gave Checkout 51 the ability to show different products, therefore increasing the probability of converting the user to open the app and engage with the offer.

Good to know / Pro Tip!

When running dynamic product ads, it’s advisable to question how your DSP creates them. For Mobile Commerce, it is most effective to have a custom logic that recommends products based on the user’s product interactions or taste similarity.

Incrementality Testing for Measuring Success

Free of cost and transparent, Checkout 51 is one of the early adopters of our Ghost Bids test, based on the Ghost Ads concept developed by Google. As best explained in the words of our client:

«This is where Remerge really proved they have their partner’s back. Incrementality testing could have easily proved that remarketing does not work and the dollars spent in this channel are not valuable. However it proved it did work and by spending on remarketing we were able to get incremental WAUs at a price that made sense for our business. Once you understand the incrementality of remarketing ads by having a hold out group for a number of weeks it allows you to spend knowing you’re getting an ROI.»

More about Incrementality

Next Steps

Retarget users with new features: As Checkout 51 rolls out new features and categories, Remerge will target users who have uninstalled the app and get them back with breakthrough features.

Remarket in other channels: use Remerge as a communication channel to remarket to segments that have unsubscribed from marketing emails and push notifications.

Implement incrementality tests: Checkout 51 will continuously run incrementality tests to have a clear understanding of ongoing ROI from this channel.