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Ep. 93 Making the Leap to a Third Party Retargeting Partner

Hailing from a background in financial services and business intelligence, Today’s guest shares his analysis and approach to how a gaming company can revitalize its retargeting efforts. He shares his learnings from their internal retargeting operations and why they ultimately decided to use a third party partner.

Pablo Bereskyj is the Marketing Operations Manager for Etermax, an international gaming company headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Previously, Pablo worked in business intelligence and financial analysis at Acuris, The Mergermarket Group, and Debtwire.

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Questions Pablo Answers In This Episode

  • Did you have any fear or reservation about jumping into the gaming industry coming from a financial services company?
  • What do you think held you back from moving to a third party retargeting vendor?
  • When you look at retargeting in retrospect, what was one of the things you found most challenging in getting it off the ground or maybe one thing you would have done differently?


  • 4:26 Pablo’s professional background
  • 8:17 From finance to gaming
  • 12:40 Learnings from internal retargeting operations
  • 15:25 Moving to a third party vendor for retargeting
  • 18:27 Maximizing the value of your core customers
  • 23:35 Top pillar underestimated with retargeting integrations


(17:30-17:45) “You have to derive an internal ecosystem of tools; you need to be looking at all these variables; and if you want to run this constantly, it means that you have to have a really hands-on exercise with that.”

(17:59-18:09) “The discovery of payers as a potential target, that was the other thing that drove a lot of the decision behind us using a third party vendor essentially.”