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Remerge and GDPR: Setting the Highest Possible Industry Standard

Here at Remerge we are strongly committed to complying with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulations, which will be enforced globally on the 25th of May. Our CEO, Pan Katsukis is very clear that it’s not just about compliance, but about truly understanding why such regulations are needed, stating “transparency has always been one of Remerge’s core values and these regulations will ensure that it extends to the entire industry so that all data processed will be done so consensually and securely.”

Users must give permission for their data to be used for advertising purposes before it reaches Remerge. As such, all data that enters Remerge’s system has been accounted for and there are absolutely no circumstances in which Remerge could use data without a user’s permission. Therefore, the execution of our GDPR compliance has been focused on ensuring that any data under the control of Remerge is transmitted, processed, and stored with the highest possible standard of security.

In order to achieve this, we have taken a number of important actions:

  • We’ve hired full-time, in-house legal counsel. A few weeks ago, Remerge welcomed Christian Eustermann to our Berlin team. Christian is an experienced lawyer who has spent almost a decade advising Berlin start-ups on data protection and privacy best practices.
  • We’ve appointed ISICO, a specialised consultancy for data protection and privacy compliance, to do an independent audit of our processes.

These actions represent key components of our larger strategy to build trust and ensure data integrity. We plan to lead by example, spearheading efforts within the company and across the ad tech space to set a top-class industry standard.