Remerge Welcomes Branch to the Attribution Space!
February 15, 2018

We’re sending a very warm welcome to our friends at Branch as they expand their offering into the world of attribution!
For your retargeting campaigns to be as successful as possible, deep links are a must have. As Remerge can already attest to the power of Branch’s deep linking technology, which ensures users go directly into your app when they click on an ad, we are very excited to see how their new attribution technology can drive performance even further.
Coupled with Branch’s deep linking technology, our integration means that our mutual customers will now also have the power to measure attribution across both app and web, providing the flexibility to follow the user’s journey no matter how non-linear. That means that if the user clicks in the app and converts in web, Branch can still attribute that click to us. Great for us, great for you! We’re intrigued to see how this feature appeals to e-commerce customers in particular.
We’re looking forward to leveraging Branch’s offering for our mutual customers to re-engage users seamlessly and to effectively track campaign successes.
PS. If you’re interested in learning more, drop us a line at [].