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#39 Building Trust with Your Product Team (Freeletics)

At times the goals of performance marketers can seem at odds with the product team’s, and visa versa. Wouldn’t it be helpful to understand why? Today’s podcast guest shares how his company created a multi-department task force to learn from each other, improve collaboration, and build trust internally.

Tommaso Scazzocchio is a team leader for user acquisition at Freeletics. Freeltics is a subscription training app that creates custom workout plans based on user feedback on the exercises.

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Questions Tommaso Answered in this Episode

  • Do you find it challenging to market a fitness product in such a highly competitive space? How do you break through that noise and make Freeletics stand out?
  • What is the importance of working with your product team? And how do you go about working together?
  • How have you improved collaboration between your performance marketing and product teams?
  • How do you better understand your product team and why they make the decisions they do? How do you foster trust between teams?
  • How does customer feedback inform marketing and product teams?
  • What’s happening this year at Freeletics that you’re excited about?


  • 8:25 Finding the sweet spot in your competitive market to stand out
  • 11:16 When performance marketing and product team goals are not aligned
  • 16:28 4 tips on building a multi-department taskforce
  • 19:58 Educating each other during taskforce meetings
  • 23:42 Peer research, survey, data, and working out together
  • 26:45 What’s launching this year at Freeletics


(18:32-19:01) “You want to challenge the status quo, right? And it’s really important that you want to change and improve the experience, but it’s also very important that you trust the other teams. So if they say something, I don’t know, if they say that they need to do a full sprint to release a new change, then you need to trust their work; and they should trust your work when you set up the campaign. So, everybody should be trusted in their own specialization, I would say.”

« We do the training all together just following the app, so it’s really a good way for us to learn about the usage of the app »

Tommaso Scazzocchio