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#67 The Power of TikTok for Mobile App Acquisition (

Today’s guest has opened our host’s eyes to the value of TikTok for mobile app acquisition. She shares how both the social component of her company’s app and how social media influencers are driving growth, acquisition, and a change in the culture of stock marketing investing.

Katie Perry is the Vice President of Marketing at Public is an app for investing in stocks with a social twist. It’s on a mission to make the stock market more inclusive, educational, and fun.

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Questions Katie Answered in this Episode:

  • What was the hardest thing for you to pick up or wrap your head around when you came to marketing? And what was the most valuable thing you took out of some of your earlier experiences as related to marketing?
  • What sets Public apart from other investing platforms out there?
  • By making the stock market more accessible, does see itself as responsible for the risks associated with novices investing; and if so, how do you go about educating your users?
  • Where do you spend the most time of your day as VP of marketing?
  • Do social platforms play a crucial role in your acquisition of new customers? And are there specific social platforms that you rely on more than others?
  • How do you find creators that are appropriate for your brand?


  • 2:43 Katie’s background
  • 6:38 From a journalism education to a marketing career
  • 10:55 What sets Public apart from other investing platforms
  • 17:30 Building safety labels to protect new investors
  • 21:51 Ancillary apps and platforms built to drive growth, build the brand
  • 25:00 TikTok and vetting influencers for acquisition


“The mission really resonated for me for what we’re doing, which is making the stock market inclusive, educational, and fun; removing that inherent culture of it being closed off and competitive and really homogenous; and broadening the text.”

« One principle we have at the company is that we really believe that who we acquire is who we become. »

Katie Perry