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Ep. 97 Growth Marketing and The Secret to Tracking Events

Today on the Apptivate Podcast, we're featuring a Chief Growth Officer of a FinTech app startup who grew their user base from 10,000 to 180,000 in half a year. He shares his realizations about growth marketing and how to track events for hyper growth. Plus, learn how this company is working to change the way people interact with their finances and money.

Abdala Pineda is the Chief Growth Officer at Fondeadora. Fondeadora is a digital banking services company based in Mexico City that aims to eliminate the inefficiencies related to the traditional banking system.

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Questions Abdala Answers In This Episode

  • What is Mexico City’s tech scene like?
  • When did your realization about growth come to you in your career trajectory?
  • Tell me about Fondeadora. What are you working on today and what’s that experience been like?
  • What’s the importance of tracking and how do you go about it in the context of a fintech app?


  • 5:17 Abdala’s background
  • 6:50 Rocket internet strategy defined
  • 10:20 The beginning of Fondeadora
  • 14:30 Abdala’s concept of growth
  • 17:00 Abdala’s launch into performance marketing
  • 22:12 Fondeadora’s hyper-growth
  • 26:50 How to build an event tracking plan for growth
  • 29:30 Criteria for an event worthy of tracking
  • 34:24 Mexico’s first metal debit card


(14:41-15:25) “At least for me, growth is essentially the understanding of the business’s equation. Every single business, regardless of whatever it is that you’re selling, you’re doing, you’re delivering, every single business has a business equation. Has an equation on which on the left side you’ve got the variable that you want to maximize, that you essentially want to grow; and on the right side you’ve got all the other variables that describe your company. Some of those variables are in turn made of sub-variables. And the job of the growth team, at least in my eyes, is essentially to try and understand as many of those variables and how is it that you can, not only affect them per se, but also how is it that each of those variables is correlated with each other. Because for growth, the only way is not only up per se.”

(23:05-23:20) “From my point-of-view, we should not be thinking about what the next campaign is going to say. We should be thinking as to what are the user behaviors that we’re seeing in our user base, and which of those behaviors can actually turn into habits.”